This letter raises some questions. First, we know from the previous letters that Dan had been feeling unwell for several weeks, not a few days.  Perhaps because of Dan’s new permanent assignment, the officer had just encountered Dan for the first time a few days prior. Secondly, did he have the measles? 

January 23, 1918 (letter is marked 1917 but obviously that’s an error)

This letter is hand written and addressed to Dan’s father. 

Knights of Columbus

War Activities

Kelly Field

South San Antonio, Texas

(The Knights of Columbus provided a variety of free services to soldiers during WWI, evidently including stationary.)

Dear Mr. Newcomer,

Your son Daniel who is in my squad, has developed a light case of measles. He now is in base hospital at Sam Houston.  Our Commanding received a very favorable report from him.  He will be back in his Squadron within five or six days.

Dan had been feeling bad for a day or two but he was excused from duty so he was not exposed as many are who develope (sic) measles. I myself have had much expertise with measles and I was sure that Dan had measles so I reported his case and had him taken to hospital immediately. If you cannot make head nor tails of this note attribute the mix up to light for I have only a candle and a very short piece.

Dan and I are both from West Virginia.  My home is Romney.  So naturally we have become friends in a very short time.  I am writing this give (sic) the reason why you will not hear from him for some time and also to assure you that this delay in his correspondence does not indicate serious illness.

Dan was very lucky in getting to hospital in so short time after development of case. Many measles patients have to wait two or three days before they are finally attended to.

With best wishes,

Sincerely Yours,

Douglass C. Amick

224th Aero Squadron


P.S. I would advise that (sic) send mail to 224th Aero Squadron as before , for Dan will be out of the hospital in few days.